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Applied research provides innovative solutions to real world challenges of business and industry, helping them increase their competitive strength and productivity. Our researchers use a collaborative and technology-based approach to problem solving that provides accelerated solutions that benefit society today. Drawing on faculty from more than 200 technical programs within six BCIT schools, the full-time research staff of our dedicated applied research groups MAKE+, SMART and NRG, we can assemble project teams with multi-disciplinary skills and expertise.

Student research is also key component to Applied Research at BCIT. BCIT creates practical learning opportunities for students, engaging them in real-world research projects through practicum placements, capstone projects, student challenges and as student researchers. Students use their knowledge and skills to collaborate with BCIT researchers, faculty, and industry partners, contributing their own innovative ideas and knowledge to the projects.

If you have a potential research project or idea and would like to explore the possibility of working with BCIT, please fill out a Project Inquiry form. A project leader will contact you within a week to discuss your project in more detail.

Jonathan Bassan
Interim Dean, Applied Research &
Centre for Applied Research and Innovation

Our mailing address is:
BCIT Applied Research Liaison Office
3700 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
V5G 3H2
Tel: 604-451-6941

ARLO (Applied Research Liaison Office) is located on the second floor in Wing E of the BCIT Centre for Applied Research and Innovation (CARI) at 4355 Mathissi Place, across Willingdon Avenue from the Burnaby campus. Fifteen minutes of free parking is available in front of the building, and metered parking is available behind the building, or on Mathissi Place.

Map & directions
CARI site map [PDF]