High school teachers:
Are you always looking for ways to answer the age-old question, “Why do we need to learn this”?
Building Better Math can help.
Our grade 10 module includes pre-selected assignments which match the curriculum of the WNCP: Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus course. This content also fits at a similar level in many jurisdictions using other materials. As well, the database contains many problems suited for use in Pre-Calculus 11 and 12 courses.
The database enables your grade 10–12 students to apply the concepts you’re covering in areas like:
- algebra
- functions and graphing
- geometry
- logarithms and exponents, and
- trigonometry
We show how these concepts are used in real world careers to solve problems in a wide range of leading industries, such as engineering, geosciences, health care, forensics, renewable resources, oceanography, and architecture.

This easy-to-use database lets you select questions for your students, including how many hints to provide. The Building Better Math database:
- generates a different question for every student, each time, enhancing collaborative learning by allowing students to discuss the problem-solving process and not just the answer
- grades automatically – you can give more assignments without adding to your marking load
- can provide instant feedback, immediately reinforcing successful strategies through formative assessment
- offers fully worked step-by-step solutions at your discretion
- is available 24/7
- requires internet access and a DigitalEd Mobius site license

Currently many students are avoiding the full pre-calculus math pathway, cutting off exciting technical careers before they even know about them. We expect these rich and broad applications to many fields of science, health, engineering and technology will encourage – and even inspire – students to consider and explore careers in science and technology in which math is key.
For more information, please watch our free webinar or email us at bettermath@bcit.ca.
This activity has been supported by a donation provided by Amgen Canada.