- International Fees
International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
Course Overview
This course introduces you to the art of motion graphics and visual effects using Adobe After Effects. You will explore a variety of post-production techniques that are essential for creating polished videos for online, TV, or film productions. We will review the program interface, build compositions, import variant vector and raster footage items, and have an in-depth study of animation, expressions, and animation-curves. You will be introduced to different masking techniques, including roto-scoping and layer track-matting. You will work with lights and 3D cameras, and build virtual sets. You will apply keying blue or green screen shots as well as 2D and 3D tracking. You will create different styles of titles and credit sequences through applying text animation.
- No prerequisites are required for this course.
Domestic fees
$606.16 - $616.99 See individual course offerings below for actual costs.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion, the student will be able to:
- Create motion graphics and visual effects using Adobe After Effects.
- Apply post-production techniques to create polished videos.
- Create new projects, import and organize media files including images, illustrations, video, and audio files.
- Build, manage, and nest composition.
- Animate variant transform properties for a layer as needed.
- Control the behaviour of an animation by adjusting its curve line.
- Add expressions to automate animation.
- Mask vector layers.
- Rotoscope or animate a layer mask.
- Create basic virtual sets using 3D lights, cameras, and layer alignment in a 3D space.
- Change the playback of a movie clip using time-remapping.
- Animate text layers using the Range Selector tool.
- Create text that follows a curved path.
- Key blue or green screen shots.
- Track details in a video clip and match their position to other visual elements.
- Render the final results as a QuickTime movie.
- Create different styles of titles and credit sequences through applying text animation.
Effective as of Fall 2016
Related Programs
Adobe After Effects (MDIA 1280) is offered as a part of the following programs:
- Indicates programs accepting international students.
School of Business + Media
- Video Production and Editing
Associate Certificate Part-time
Course Offerings
Winter 2025
Below is one offering of MDIA 1280 for the Winter 2025 term.
CRN 87636
Jan 06 - Mar 24 In Progress
- CRN 87636
- $606.16 Domestic fees
Class meeting times
Dates | Days | Times | Locations |
Jan 06 - Mar 24 | Mon | 18:00 - 21:15 | Downtown DTC Rm. 850 |
11 weeks
Mahmoud Abdel-Hai
Course outline
Important information
- Important course information will be sent to you prior to your course start date. Check your myBCIT email account to access this information.
- International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
- No classes on February 17, 2024. This class will be delivered in person on the BCIT Downtown campus. You will require access to the Adobe Creative Cloud to complete this course. In order to access the Adobe Creative Cloud on your personal devices for off-campus use, a subscription will be required. The cost of your Adobe subscription will be in addition to the tuition fee for this course. Information explaining how to obtain a discounted Adobe subscription is available on the BCIT Software Access webpage: kb.bcit.ca/student/adobe-creative-cloud-subscription-flexible-learning-student-3130/
In Progress
This course offering is in progress. Please check this page for other currently available offerings or subscribe to receive email updates.
Spring/Summer 2025
Below is one offering of MDIA 1280 for the Spring/Summer 2025 term.
CRN 64796
Apr 07 - Jun 30 Seats Available
- CRN 64796
- $616.99 Domestic fees
Class meeting times
Dates | Days | Times | Locations |
Apr 07 - Jun 30 | Mon | 18:00 - 21:15 | Downtown DTC Rm. 840 |
11 weeks
Mahmoud Abdel-Hai
Course outline
Course outline TBD — see Learning Outcomes in the interim.
Important information
- Important course information will be sent to you prior to your course start date. Check your myBCIT email account to access this information.
- International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
- No classes on April 21 and May 19 due to holidays. This class will be delivered in person on the Downtown campus. You will require access to the Adobe Creative Cloud to complete this course. To access the Adobe Creative Cloud on your personal devices for off-campus use, a subscription will be required. The cost of your Adobe subscription will be in addition to the tuition fee for this course. Information explaining how to obtain a discounted Adobe subscription is available on the BCIT Software Access webpage www.bcit.ca/it-services/software-access/ If you are taking Graphic design programs, here is the suggested order to take them. - www.bcit.ca/files/business/pdf/flexible-learning-graphic-design-certificate-recommended-order-of-courses.pdf
Seats Available
This course offering has seats available.
Programs and courses are subject to change without notice.