- International Fees
International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
Course Overview
This course is a continuation of BLDG 1830. Provides a more advanced and complete understanding of all requirements of Part 3 of the 2024 BC Building Code and includes the basic skills required to understand and apply fundamental code concepts to building design and construction including flame spread ratings, safety within floor areas, fire alarm and detection, fire fighting provisions, vertical transportation, service facilities, high buildings, and accessibility. Students completing this course will be expected to carry out a basic building code analysis for complex Part 3 buildings.
- 50% in BLDG 1830
Domestic fees
Learning Outcomes
- Provides a more advanced and complete understanding of all requirements of Part 3 of the BC Building Code and includes the basic skills required to understand and apply fundamental code concepts to building design and construction including flame spread ratings, safety within floor areas, fire alarm and detection, fire fighting provisions, vertical transportation, service facilities, high buildings, and accessibility. Students completing this course will be expected to carry out a basic building code analysis for complex Part 3 buildings.
Effective as of Fall 2003
Related Programs
BC Building Code: Part 3 Advanced (BLDG 1835) is offered as a part of the following programs:
- Indicates programs accepting international students.
School of Construction and the Environment
- Architectural and Building Technology
Certificate Part-time
Course Offerings
Spring/Summer 2025
Below is one offering of BLDG 1835 for the Spring/Summer 2025 term.
CRN 64328
Apr 09 - May 14 Seats Available
- CRN 64328
- $317.25 Domestic fees
Class meeting times
Dates | Days | Times | Locations |
Apr 09 - May 14 | Wed | 18:30 - 21:30 | Online |
6 weeks
Course outline
Course outline TBD — see Learning Outcomes in the interim.
Important information
- Internet delivery format.
- International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
- ***This is not a self-paced course. There will be specific time lines for assignments and exams.*** Students will participate in weekly "Virtual Classroom" sessions, as per the class schedule above. You will require a stable internet connection, a laptop or desktop computer for this course. You must also have an e-mail address and access to a computer capable of downloading basic documents. Important course information will be sent to registered students This course is offered in conjunction with the Building Officials' Association of B.C. It will be of interest to building officials or those who are contemplating entering the field of municipal building inspection. Successful completion of this course qualifies students to write the BOABC exams for Level 3. The Province of BC has prescribed the BOABC Level 3 exams as the minimum qualification to work as a Level 3 Building Official. Please note that employers may require additional education or work experience for building official positions. For more information on BOABC examinations and qualifications, please visit boabc.org/
Seats Available
This course offering has seats available.
Programs and courses are subject to change without notice.