The BCIT Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Civil Engineering prepares students for professional engineering practice. With a focus on developing strong skills in engineering science and design, communications, and management, the program presents many opportunities to develop critical thinking, problem solving and creative abilities.
A Diploma in Civil Engineering credential is conferred after the first two years of academic study and, if you meet the continuation requirements, a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering is conferred upon successful completion of academic year four.
Civil Engineering Bachelor of Engineering
Dipl.T./B.Eng. All Diploma students must apply for the Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering degree program. See entry requirements. |
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Option to exit after Year 2 with the Dipl.T. |
To continue onto Years 3 and 4, see continuation requirements. |
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B.Eng. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering awarded after completing Years 3 and 4 of the program. |
A Diploma in Civil Engineering credential is conferred after the first two years of academic study and, if you meet the continuation requirements, a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering is conferred upon successful completion of academic year four.
Civil engineering is a diverse, rewarding and challenging profession. Civil engineers and technologists team together to plan, design, construct and maintain road and rail transportation systems, port and airport facilities, bridges, tunnels, dams, and buildings of all types; water, gas and oil pipelines; energy-generating facilities, water, air and waste treatment plants, to name but a few of their activities in an ever-expanding field of endeavour. Civil engineers are, to a great extent, the designers, builders and custodians of society’s built environment as well as stewards of the natural environment.
The Program
The BEng in Civil Engineering is composed of four years of full-time academic study.
The first two years of the degree program present a broad, practical overview of the field of civil engineering, with engineering fundamentals stressed and reinforced across the curriculum. You will receive an abundance of learning opportunities to apply these fundamentals to the solution of real-world design scenarios that would be encountered by both technologists and engineers. Throughout the program, we will present opportunities to strengthen your graphical, written, and oral communication skills. You will spend a significant amount of time on hands-on training in material testing, surveying, manual and computer-aided drafting, and receive instruction in the use of engineering software tools. You will receive a Diploma in Civil Engineering credential upon successful completion of the first two years of academic study within this degree program.
If you meet the continuation requirements, you may continue into the final two years of the degree program which are academically rigorous. We will thoroughly investigate the theoretical foundations of civil engineering science and design topics. At the same time, you will apply the practical civil engineering knowledge you have gained in course assignments and project work. You will also be challenged to view the engineer’s role from an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspective. You will learn about the role of the engineer in project and construction management and enrich your educational experience with complementary studies courses relating to social sciences and the humanities. To further develop your engineering skills for professional practice, you will work with classmates to complete a team-based capstone design project.
- Next up Entrance Requirements
Entrance Requirements
Application processing
All applications go through a competitive, two-step process. We recommend that you submit your application early. All supporting documents must be submitted by the application deadline to be considered.
Applications are accepted:
- October 1st* to February 15th*
- February 16th* to April 15th*
*or next business day
This program has multiple application deadlines. A limited number of seats will be offered after the first application deadline. Applicants who do not receive an offer at the first deadline will be reconsidered at the final deadline and will receive an admission decision at that time.
Entrance requirements
Admission to this program is competitive. In 2022, high school applicants met entrance requirements in mathematics, sciences, and communications. Post-secondary applicants also completed courses in a related field.
Competitive Entry: Two-step process
Admission is competitive and will be offered to the most qualified applicants.
Step 1: Meet the following entrance requirements
- High school graduation
- English language proficiency: Category 1 – English Studies 12 (73%) or equivalent
- Math: one of the following:
- Pre-Calculus 12 (73%) or
- Other acceptable BC and Yukon courses
- Chemistry 11 (73%)
- Physics 12 (73%)
- One approved Grade 12 academic course [PDF] (73%)
- Complete the following form for submission with your online application:
- Mandatory Applicant Questionnaire [PDF]: This form will be used with other entrance requirements in the competitive selection for the program.
Read more about how to meet BCIT’s entrance requirements
Once Admissions confirms that you have met the entrance requirements, please continue to provide additional documentation to demonstrate your ongoing academic progress.
Step 2: Department assessment
All applications that meet the minimum entrance requirements will be reviewed by the program area at the application deadline. Admission is competitive and will be offered to the most qualified applicants. Applicant qualification will be ranked based on the following preferences:
- Academic success including consistency, grades above the minimum requirements, and/or success at a post secondary level
- Requirements completed within the last five years
- Complete and up-to date academic records
If you have specific questions about the departmental assessment for admission to Level 1 of the Civil Engineering Program, please email the Civil Engineering Admissions Coordinator.
Note that continuation beyond Year 2 of the program is subject to conditions as outlined in the section below.
Continuation requirements
Continuation in this program is highly competitive. Successful applicants completed the Civil Engineering Technology Diploma at BCIT with an average above 70%, and exceeded entrance requirements.
The BEng in Civil Engineering is a four-year full-time professional program that includes a Diploma in Civil Engineering conferred upon successful completion of the first two years (Levels 1 through 4) of the program.
Continuation into Level 5 (third year) is only available to students who have completed the following:
- BCIT Diploma in Civil Engineering
- CHEM 6020 and MATH 6010
- Minimum 70% continuation GPA
- 300 hours of practical work experience accumulated after starting the program
BCIT Civil Engineering students intending to continue directly from Level 4 into Level 5 in the same calendar year must meet the continuation requirements stated above and submit the following by email to the Civil Engineering Student Coordinator:
- A continuation confirmation form (available upon request from the Student Coordinator).
- Practical Work Experience form [PDF] and supporting Attachment #1, within the first two weeks of classes in Level 5.
If you are a BCIT Civil Engineering Diploma recipient and have left the program for more than 4 months*, you must meet the continuation requirements stated above and:
- Apply for re-admission to Level 5 of the Civil Engineering program between October 1st and June 1st (or next business day).
- Include a completed Practical Work Experience form [PDF] and supporting Attachment #1 with your application.
Continuation is based on seat availability. If the number of those seeking to enter Level 5 exceeds available seats, BCIT will select those deemed to have the best opportunity for success.
Application for re-admission into Level 5 of the program where the applicant has taken a break from academic study exceeding two years will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
If you have questions about continuation into Level 5, please contact the Student Coordinator by email or by phone at 604-451-6854.
Recommended for success
You'll significantly improve your chances of success in the Civil Engineering program if you come prepared. You should be willing to put in long hours and work cooperatively with fellow students. Students are strongly encouraged to complete all work early, attend all classes, labs and tutorials, take thorough notes, ask questions, manage your time effectively, and seek help from instructors and/or fellow students. There is great value in honest self-assessment to identify and address both your strengths and weaknesses .
Regarding preparation, only you can know if your basic communications, mathematics, and physics skills honestly reflect the prerequisites for acceptance. At a minimum, you should be able to:
- Write a simple, clear, coherent paragraph that contains few or no grammatical or spelling errors.
- Assemble a sequence of paragraphs to relate a coherent story.
- Express yourself verbally so that you are easily understood.
- Write or print clearly enough so that others can understand your work.
- State the difference between a scalar and a vector quantity.
- State the difference between mass and force.
- Describe the relationship between distance, velocity, and acceleration and their respective units.
- Solve problems of static equilibrium.
- Convert any quantity from one unit system to another given the appropriate conversion factor.
- Visualize simple objects in three dimensions (do you have good spatial skills?).
- Isolate an unknown variable in an algebraic expression using common algebraic manipulations for sums, differences, products, fractions, and exponents.
- Solve two equations with two unknowns.
- Write fundamental theorems of Euclidian geometry.
- Work with similar triangles and with radian measure.
- Use trigonometric functions to solve for unknown angles and sides of a right-angled triangle.
- Use the sine and cosine laws to solve for unknown angles and sides of a triangle that is not right-angled.
- Determine areas and volumes of common geometric shapes.
International applicants
This program is available to international applicants.
Study permit: A valid BCIT study permit is required prior to starting the program.
Students enrolled in this program must complete the mandatory work component to qualify for graduation. A co-op work permit is required prior to starting the work component.
Post-graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligibility: This program meets the eligible field of study requirement (CIP) and is eligible for students to apply for a PGWP.
(CIPC: 14.0804)
Apply to program
To submit your application:
- Include proof of meeting all entrance requirements.
- Convert all transcripts and supporting documents to PDF files.
- Have a credit card ready to pay the application fee.
Apply Now
Scheduled Intakes
September each year.
Technology entry
The Technology Entry (TE) program is a full-time, day school program which provides academic upgrading to students wishing to enroll in Computing, Engineering, Electronic, and Health Sciences programs at BCIT.
The TE program provides courses in chemistry, communication, mathematics, and physics that meet program prerequisites for selected programs at BCIT. The TE program also includes an introductory course in computer applications and a learning skills course. The program is supportive to those who require English-language training.
Note: Only the January TE intake includes the Grade 12 equivalent courses required to meet the BCIT Civil Engineering entrance requirements.
Within two business days of submitting your completed application, BCIT will send a message to your personal and myBCIT email addresses. All correspondence regarding your application will be posted to your online myCommunication account at my.bcit.ca. We will send you an email when a new message is posted. It is important to watch for these emails or regularly check your account online.
You can expect to receive communication concerning the status of your application within four weeks.
- Go back Overview
- Next up Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement
Engineering Transfer Students
If you have completed equivalent engineering-related courses (e.g. within an engineering transfer program), you may be eligible to apply for transfer credit. You will still be required to complete civil-specific courses within the first-year curriculum; please apply to Level 1.
If you have previously completed part of this program at BCIT and wish to re-enter full-time study (minimum 60% course load) at an advanced level, you can apply for re-admission.
Submit a Course-by-Course Self-Assessment Form [PDF] with your online application showing proof of completion of (or registration in) all courses (or equivalents) in all levels below the level to which you are applying (e.g. applicants to level 3 must have completed all courses in levels 1 and 2). If you are applying for re-admission to level 2, you must also demonstrate the potential to succeed in the program. Contact the Student Coordinator for guidance.
Applications for re-admission to levels 2-4 and 6-8 are accepted throughout the year. Please note that such applications are considered based on:
- Complete applications: you must show proof that you have completed (or are registered in) all requirements to be considered.
- Competitive entry: if the number of applicants exceeds available seats, BCIT will accept those deemed to have the best opportunity for success.
- Seat availability: confirmation may not be available until approximately one week before the term begins.
Note that applications for re-admission into any level of the program following a break from academic study exceeding two years will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Questions? Contact the Student Coordinator by email or by phone at 604-451-6854.
Ready to submit your application? Apply now.
- Go back Entrance Requirements
- Next up Costs & Supplies
Costs & Supplies
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
The Department of Civil Engineering is participating in an ongoing pilot project where all incoming Level 1 and Level 5 (Year 1 and Year 3) students and all continuing Level 3 and Level 7 (Year 2 and Year 3) students are required to bring a computing device meeting minimum requirements for use during courses in the program. As a student you will be able to securely connect through a web browser to a BCIT managed “virtual desktop” where computing applications for courses will be available. This virtual desktop is accessible both on campus and remotely, and may be used within particular courses for instruction purposes. No additional software will need to be installed on your computing device.
Tuition fees
Use our tuition estimator to find tuition and fees for this program.
For more information on full-time tuition and fees, visit:
Books & supplies
Level 1 & 2: $1800.00, Level 3 & 4: $1200.00, Level 5 & 6: $1200.00, Level 7 & 8: $1200.00
(general estimated cost, subject to change)
These costs do not include the required computing device.
Financial assistance
Financial assistance may be available for this program. For more information, please contact Student Financial Aid and Awards.
- Go back Advanced Placement
- Next up Courses
Class hours
8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday
Program matrix
Level 1 (15 weeks) | Credits | ||
CIVL 1011 | Introduction to Civil Engineering | 3.0 | |
CIVL 1020 | Statics | 5.0 | |
CIVL 1024 | Graphical Communication 1 | 2.0 | |
CIVL 1060 | Applied Hydrology | 4.0 | |
COMM 1142 | Communication for Civil Engineering 1 | 3.0 | |
MATH 1422 | Differential Calculus for Civil Engineering | 5.0 | |
PHYS 1192 | Physics for Civil Engineering 1 | 5.0 | |
SURV 1130 | Surveying for Civil Engineering 1 | 3.0 | |
Level 2 (20 weeks) | Credits | ||
CIVL 2020 | Mechanics of Materials 1 | 6.5 | |
CIVL 2024 | Graphical Communication 2 | 2.5 | |
CIVL 2025 | Applied Hydraulics | 5.5 | |
CIVL 2026 | Construction Materials | 4.0 | |
COMM 2242 | Communication for Civil Engineering 2 | 4.0 | |
MATH 2422 | Integral Calculus for Civil Engineering | 6.5 | |
PHYS 2192 | Physics for Civil Engineering 2 | 6.5 | |
SURV 2230 | Surveying for Civil Engineering 2 | 4.0 | |
Level 3 (15 weeks) | Credits | ||
CIVL 3011 | Issues in Engineering | 3.0 | |
CIVL 3020 | Computer Applications | 3.0 | |
CIVL 3033 | Construction Management 1 | 4.0 | |
CIVL 3041 | Soil Mechanics | 3.5 | |
CIVL 3050 | Road Design | 4.0 | |
CIVL 3052 | Municipal Engineering 1 | 4.0 | |
CIVL 3074 | Structural Engineering 1 | 4.0 | |
COMM 3342 | Communication for Civil Engineering 3 | 2.0 | |
MATH 3423 | Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra for Civil Engineering | 4.0 | |
Level 4 (20 weeks) | Credits | ||
CIVL 4033 | Construction Management 2 | 5.5 | |
CIVL 4041 | Geotechnical Analysis and Design | 5.5 | |
CIVL 4052 | Municipal Engineering 2 | 5.5 | |
CIVL 4074 | Structural Engineering 2 | 6.0 | |
CIVL 4090 | Industry Project | 4.0 | |
COMM 4442 | Communication for Civil Engineering 4 | 2.5 | |
Choose two of the following electives:* | |||
CHEM 6020 | Chemistry for Civil Engineering | 4.0 | |
CIVL 4024 | Land Development Modeling | 4.0 | |
CIVL 4053 | Traffic Engineering Fundamentals | 4.0 | |
MATH 6010 | Advanced Mathematics for Civil Engineering 1 | 4.0 | |
*To be eligible for Level 5, students must successfully complete CHEM 6020 and MATH 6010 and meet the additional continuation requirements. | |||
Level 5 (15 weeks) | Credits | ||
CIVL 7012 | Computational Methods | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7021 | Mechanics of Materials 2 | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7060 | Environmental Engineering | 3.0 | |
CIVL 7070 | Structural Analysis | 4.0 | |
ELEX 7355 | The Science of Electronic Sensing and Measurement | 3.0 | |
MATH 7010 | Advanced Mathematics for Civil Engineering 2 | 4.0 | |
Level 6 (15 weeks) | Credits | ||
CIVL 7001 | Engineering and Society | 3.0 | |
CIVL 7011 | Uncertainty in Civil Engineering | 3.0 | |
CIVL 7020 | Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Science | 4.5 | |
CIVL 7022 | Structure and Properties of Materials* | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7040 | Geotechnical Engineering 1 | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7092 | Civil Engineering Design | 4.0 | |
Choose one of the following Liberal Studies electives: |
LIBS 7005 | Technology, Invention and Power | 3.0 | |
LIBS 7007 | Technology and Society | 3.0 | |
Successful completion of the following is required to continue to Level 7:
Level 7 (15 weeks) | Credits | ||
CIVL 7023 | Engineering Dynamics | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7031 | Construction Management 3 | 3.0 | |
CIVL 7062 | Water Quality Engineering | 4.5 | |
CIVL 7072 | Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7089 | Capstone Design Proposal | 1.0 | |
LIBS 7025 | Thinking in Humanities & Social Sciences | 3.0 | |
MINE 7041 | Geology | 3.0 | |
Choose one of the following technical electives: |
CIVL 7063 | Water Resource Engineering | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7073 | Design of Steel Structures | 4.0 | |
Level 8 (15 weeks) | Credits | ||
CIVL 7030 | Civil Engineering Contracts and Law | 3.0 | |
CIVL 7050 | Transportation Engineering | 3.0 | |
CIVL 7090 | Capstone Design Project | 6.0 | |
OPMT 7031 | Engineering Economics | 3.0 | |
Choose two of the following technical electives: |
CIVL 7042 | Geotechnical Engineering 2 | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7061 | Storm Water Management | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7074 | Structural Analysis and Design | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7075 | Seismic Design | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7080 | Building Science for Civil Engineering | 4.0 | |
CIVL 7091 | Civil Engineering Applied Research Project | 4.0 | |
Cooperative Education work terms | Credits | ||
Students in the co-op stream will complete their work terms after Level 4 (September to December), after Level 6 (May to August), and after Level 5 (January to August). |
CIVL 5990 | Cooperative Education Work Term 1 | 15.0 | |
CIVL 6990 | Cooperative Education Work Term 2 | 15.0 | |
CIVL 7990 | Cooperative Education Work Term 3 | 15.0 | |
CIVL 8990 | Cooperative Education Work Term 4 | 15.0 | |
Total Credits: | 235.0 |
Transfer credit
Do you have credits from another BC/Yukon post-secondary school? Do you want to know if they transfer to courses here at BCIT? Check out BCIT's Transfer Equivalency Database to find out.
- Go back Costs & Supplies
- Next up Program Details
Program Details
As a full-time student, you’ll learn by being immersed into a structured, highly demanding environment. Your courses will be delivered using lectures, labs, and tutorials. We’ll teach you theory in combination with its practical application, simulating an engineering office environment where possible. We’ll set a high standard and expect you to rise to meet it. Here are the conditions you’ll learn under…
- The Civil Engineering program is a four-year engineering program with an optional exit with a diploma after successful completion of academic year 2. Eligible students may continue into academic years 3 and 4 which will lead to a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering.
- The first two years run from the beginning of September to the end of May and each include a 15 week term from September through December and a 20 week term from January to the end of May.
- The final two academic years each consist of two 15 week terms; one from September to December and another from January to the end of April.
- The program is not organized on a semester intake system. The program course matrix is highly interrelated and structured, and all students take the same courses for the first three terms (Levels 1 to 3). If you don’t pass all courses in the first four terms, an extra academic year is almost always required to make up missed courses and successfully exit the program with a Diploma in Civil Engineering.
- A typical term requires that you attend 30 hours per week of classroom, laboratory, and tutorial time. The majority of students put in at least another 15 to 25 hours per week studying and working on assignments and projects. Really successful students are more likely to put in an additional 30 to 40 hours per week.
- You’ll take either 8 or 9 separate courses each term for the first two years, and then we’ll reduce it to 6 or 7 courses for the final two years. (Obviously, you’ll quickly develop time-management skills as a survival mechanism.)
- In total, then, over the first 2 years, you’ll attend some 2100 hours of classroom time, and take 32 courses prior to receiving your diploma. If you’re eligible to continue into Year 3, the following two years will add on another 1100 hours of classroom time plus another 26 courses before you receive a bachelor’s degree. Whew!
Program length
Four years, full-time
Upon successful completion of the first two years, students will earn a Diploma in Civil Engineering. Students who meet the continuation requirements and successfully complete a further two years of full-time study will earn a BEng in Civil Engineering.
Practical work experience requirement
All students seeking to complete the BEng in Civil Engineering must satisfy the practical work experience requirement. You can satisfy the practical work experience requirement by completing at least 700 hours of relevant work experience accumulated after starting the program. The summer periods between academic terms provide sufficient time to meet these requirements.
A continuous work period of 12 to 15 months is considered optimum because you will have the opportunity to use what you have learned and develop your skills in a real-world setting. You will also be able to clarify your academic and career goals before making elective decisions in years 3 and 4. If you wish to return to Level 5 after more than 4 months’ absence, you must apply for re-admission to the program.
What is practical work experience?
Refer to Appendix A, Part 1 of Schedule A of the current ASTTBC Bylaws. It is expected that your first 300 hours will be at Work Experience Level 1 or 2. Subsequent work experience should indicate a progression in these levels, with some tasks at Level 3 after 700 hours. You should also know that Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia may accept up to a maximum of one year of pre-graduation experience towards the four years of engineering work experience required for registration as a Professional Engineer if it is supervised by a Canadian registered Professional Engineer and if it otherwise satisfies all of Engineers and Geoscientists BC's experience criteria.
Levels 1-4: You must obtain a final grade of at least 50% before proceeding to the next course, with the exception of the four Communications courses, one in each level, all of which have a passing grade of 65%.
Continuation GPA: To be eligible to continue into Level 5 of the degree, you must achieve a minimum 70% continuation GPA under a full-time program load. This is calculated using grades obtained in your first attempt of all courses from Levels 2, 3, and 4, excluding CIVL 4024 and CIVL 4053, but including CHEM 6020 and MATH 6010. If you complete Levels 2, 3, and 4 in a mode other than full-time, you may also be considered for continuation into Level 5 if you meet the 70% GPA requirement.
Levels 5-8: You must obtain a 55% final grade in order to pass the course.
The Civil Engineering program at BCIT leads sequentially to two credentials: a Diploma in Civil Engineering conferred after academic year two, and a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering conferred after academic year four.
The diploma in Civil Engineering is highly regarded by employers accross Canada. As a Diploma holders, you will be eligible to register as a Graduate Technologist with Applied Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia (ASTTBC) and may apply for registration as an Applied Science Technologist after completing a minimum of two years of relevant work experience. Students can apply for student membership in ASTTBC
The Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering is nationally accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB). Students may apply for student membership with the Engineers and Geoscientists BC. Degree holders are eligible for Engineer-in-Training (EIT) membership with Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
Completion of an engineering degree and obtaining EIT enrolment with a provincial engineering licensing body are the first steps for all engineers towards achieving licensure as a Professional Engineer (PEng). Two steps remain: first, the Engineer-in-Training must complete a minimum of four years of satisfactory engineering work experience under the supervision of a registered professional engineer; secondly, the PEng candidate must pass the professional practice exam. As a Professional Engineer, one has the license to practice engineering and a seal to stamp and take responsibility for the designs and drawings one creates.
Program delivery
In person: This program is delivered on campus.
Program location
Burnaby Campus
3700 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, BC
Continue your education
Students exiting the Civil Engineering program after academic year two (Level 4) with a diploma may consider entering BCIT's Bachelor of Technology programs in Geographic Information Systems, Environmental Engineering, or Construction Management.
Degree graduates may pursue graduate studies in Civil Engineering, nationally or internationally. Entrance requirements typically specify a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering with sufficiently high academic standing.
- Go back Courses
- Next up Graduating & Jobs
Graduating & Jobs
Job Opportunities
Civil engineers plan, design, develop and manage projects for the construction or repair of various structures and infrastructures. These include buildings, roads, airports, railways, rapid transit facilities, bridges, dams, ports and coastal installations, and systems related to highway and transportation services, water distribution and sanitation. Civil engineers may also specialize in foundation analysis, building and structural inspection, surveying and municipal planning. They are employed by engineering consulting companies, municipal and other levels of government, and in many other industries. They may also be self-employed.
Under the broad umbrella of civil engineering, they can specialize as: environmental engineers; municipal or public works engineers; construction or project engineers; highway, transportation or traffic engineers; water resource or hydraulic engineers; geotechnical engineers; bridge, building, or structural engineers.
Civil technologists are employed throughout the full spectrum of civil engineering related industries. Numerous career paths exist in consulting engineering, construction, public works and the technical sales sector. Starting positions include: consulting design technologists, municipal plan checkers, construction inspectors and supervisors, detailers, technical sales representatives, material testing technicians, surveyors and CAD operators. Many experienced civil technologists have attained senior positions in organizations or started their own businesses.
Graduate employment outcomes
The BCIT student outcomes report presents summary findings from the annual survey of former students administered by BC Stats one to two years after graduation. These reports combine the last three years of available results for the 2022-2024 BCIT Outcomes Surveys of 2021-2023 graduates and for Degree 2019-2021 graduates. The reports are organized into three-page summaries containing information on graduates’ labour market experiences and opinions regarding their education. More detailed information can be accessed at the BC Student Outcomes website.
To view these results, you may need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in your Web browser.
- Go back Program Details
- Next up Faculty, Advisors & Staff
Faculty, Advisors & Staff
In addition to those listed below from the Department of Civil Engineering, you’ll also benefit from the knowledge of BCIT Faculty from other departments on campus including Mathematics, Communications, Physics, Geomatics, Liberal Studies, Chemistry and Operations Management. Faculty office locations and phone numbers are available from the BCIT Directory.
Md Mahbubur Rahman, M.Sc., P.Eng.
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
With over seven years of teaching experience, Mahbub Rahman has delivered university and college courses covering structural design, mechanics, civil engineering materials, geotechnical engineering, and Building Information Modeling (BIM). Known for his interactive, student-centered teaching approach, Mahbub excels in connecting theoretical concepts with practical applications, equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in real-world scenarios.
Complementing his academic role, Mahbub brings over six years of professional experience in Canada’s construction and consulting industries. He has contributed to diverse projects, including hospitals, clinics, commercial, industrial and residential buildings, large-scale steel bridges, geotechnical ventures, and site-specific stormwater management solutions. His roles have spanned Structural Engineer, Project Engineer, Project Lead, QA/QC Coordinator, Contract Administrator, Site Inspector, Design Reviewer, and Estimator, showcasing his versatility and depth of expertise.
Mahbub’s professional and academic interests focus on structural analysis, design, and the behavior of reinforced concrete, timber, steel, and masonry structures. He is passionate about advanced cementitious materials, concrete durability, and structural health monitoring, including repair techniques and rehabilitation of concrete structures. His expertise extends to sustainability in construction and engineering, as well as construction and project management.
M.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, 2015
B.Sc. (Honours), Civil Engineering, Presidency University, 2010
Professional Registration
P.Eng., Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC)
P.Eng., Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)
LEED Green Associate, U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
Professional Affiliations
Associate Professional – Professor, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC)
Member, Structural Engineers Association of British Columbia (SEABC)
Member, American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Martin Bollo, MEng, P.Eng.
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Martin Bollo is a structural engineer with over twenty-five years of diverse engineering and engineering instruction experience in Canada and the United States. This experience includes full-time and part-time experience in performing structural analysis, design, detailing, and construction/ contract administration of new and seismically retrofitted building, bridge and lifeline structures.
MEng, Civil (Structural) Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1991. Thesis Title: “Observations and Implications of Tests on the Cypress Street Viaduct Test Structure.”
BASc (Honours), Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 1989
Professional Registration
P.Eng, British Columbia
PE, SE, Washington and California
Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP)
Special Interests
Martin is active in the professional community and has volunteered for the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Structural Engineers Association of British Columbia (SEABC), Vancouver Structural Engineers Group (VSEGS), APEGBC DSE, APEGBC Richmond Branch, SEAONC, and other engineering-related groups. He is a past President of the VSEGS, and a founder of the SEABC Initiative Steering Committee.
One of Martin’s areas of specialty is in the field of seismic/earthquake engineering. Representative projects include seismic assessments and upgrade designs of major bridges, building and reservoirs. He visited earthquake-damaged sites in California after the 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994 Northridge earthquakes.
Colleen Chan, PhD, P.Eng.
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Colleen Chan’s expertise and interests are in the area of water and wastewater treatment technologies, environmental sustainability management, solid waste management, and contaminated site remediation technologies.
PhD, Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2010. Research Topic: “Optimization of Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications, With Particular Focus on Hydrodynamic Conditions in Membrane Technologies.”
MSc, Chemical Engineering, University of Alberta, 2001
BSc, Chemical Engineering, University of Alberta, 1999
Professional Registration
P.Eng., British Columbia, 2011
Phyllis Chong, MASc, P.Eng.
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Phyllis Chong is a structural engineer with over 12 years of experience in engineering consulting prior to joining the faculty in the department of Civil Engineering at BCIT. Phyllis’s experience includes infrastructure and bridge engineering-related projects in Canada and the United States, where she has acted as Proposal Lead, Key Client Account Manager, Project Manager, Designer, Design Checker, and Analyst for bridge projects.
Phyllis has expertise and interest in the design of steel and concrete bridge structures, including various forms such as cable-stayed, suspension, arch, and girder bridges. She has also supported construction services for several bridge projects. Phyllis enjoys human interaction – in particular, attending professional conferences and building and fostering relationships. Through her previous managing role as a Group Lead, she provided leadership and direction to assigned staff.
MASc, Civil (Structural) Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2005. Thesis Title: “A Contribution to a Practical Approach to Corrosion Protection and Coating Maintenance of Steel Bridge Structures.”
BASc (Honours), Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2003
Professional Registration
P.Eng., British Columbia
Antone Dabeet, P.Eng.
Instructor and Student Coordinator, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Dr. Dabeet has been primarily teaching geotechnical engineering courses at the Civil Engineering Department at BCIT. With over 15 years of experience in both academic and industry settings, Dr. Dabeet has contributed to geotechnical engineering teaching and practice, working on local and international projects.
Dr. Dabeet earned their Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, where they worked on interpreting geotechnical laboratory testing results and explored the micro-mechanical behaviour of soils. Before joining BCIT, Dr. Dabeet provided geotechnical engineering services to major infrastructure projects and local developments, providing a rich real-world context to their teaching. Dr. Dabeet believes in an interactive, student-centered and practice-based approach to learning.
Dr. Dabeet is a registered Professional Engineer with Engineers and Geoscientist of British Columbia.
Ray Daxon, DiplT
Assistant Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Ray has been working at BCIT as an Assistant Instructor in the Civil Engineering Program since June 2013.
DiplT, Civil Engineering, British Columbia Institute of Technology, 2013
Professional Registration
GradTech, Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia, 2014
Mohammed Farooq, PhD, EIT
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Mohammed Farooq is a civil engineer with expertise in general area of Construction Materials, Effects of Flooding on Infrastructure, Sensing, and Infrastructure Internet-of-Things. His current research projects include developing carbon-friendly cement-free geopolymer materials, and development of sensors for monitoring scour at bridge foundations. Farooq has over three years of teaching experience, and has experience as a site engineer, supervising construction activities ranging from site-marking and excavation, to superstructure erection, mechanical electrical and plumbing, and finishing of low- and high-rise concrete residential units.
More information can be found on his LinkedIn profile.
His list of research publications can be found on his Google Scholar profile.
PhD, Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, March 2022 (Expected)
MASc, Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2016
BE, Civil Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, VTU, Bangalore, India, 2013
Professional Registration
Engineer-in-Training (British Columbia)
Kian Karimi, PhD, P.Eng., PE
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Dr. Karimi is a registered professional engineer in British Columbia, Canada (P.Eng.) and in the state of California, USA (PE) with over 10 years of practical experience in the consulting environment. Kian’s diverse experience encompasses design of residential, commercial and industrial buildings and infrastructure with expertise in seismic design. He has acted in the capacity of project engineer and project manager through all project phases from concept level planning to detailed design, cost estimate, tendering, contract administration and construction field inspections.
During the course of his PhD studies, Dr. Karimi studied application of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in upgrading structures and has co-authored several technical publications in peer-reviewed journals in this area.
PhD, Civil Engineering, Structural Specialization, McMaster University, Canada, 2011 Research Topic: “Performance of FRP-encased Steel-Concrete Composite Columns.”
MSc, Civil Engineering, Seismic Specialization, Sharif University of Technology, Iran, 2005
BASc, Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran, 2003
Professional Registrations
P.Eng., British Columbia, Canada
PE, State of California, USA
Wai Wah Ng, PhD, P.Eng.
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Wai Wah Ng has over 12 years of water resources and civil engineering related experiences in academia, research, consulting, and government. Prior to joining BCIT, he worked with Fisheries and Oceans Canada as a Physical Scientist, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as a Hydrologist, Lakehead University as an Assistant Professor, University of North Dakota as a Postdoctoral Fellow, and AECOM Ltd., as a Water Resources Engineer-In-Trainee. His research interest is in the area of statistical hydrology, water resources management, and climate change with emphasis in quantitative analysis using statistical or artificial intelligence approaches. A total of 3 scientific journals, 5 book chapters, and 12 refereed conference papers/presentations were contributed.
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, 2014
M.A.Sc. in Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2004
B.Eng. (First Class Standing) in Civil Engineering, Lakehead University 2002
DiplT, Civil Engineering, British Columbia Institute of Technology, 1995
Professional Registration
P.Eng., British Columbia
Bishnu Pandey, PhD, P.Eng.
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Bishnu has worked as an earthquake engineering expert for more than eighteen years in North America and Asia-pacific countries. He has acted as team lead with the Canadian Association of Earthquake Engineering Team for its post-earthquake reconnaissance study of the 2015 Nepal earthquake. Bishnu has been working towards build-back-better reconstruction of Nepal joining team of government and other agencies through expert service, research and technology dissemination. At BCIT, Bishnu divides his time between lecturing, research and publication. He is also teaching for the Certificates in Structural Engineering (CSE) program for the Structural Engineers Association of BC (SEABC) and University of British Columbia (UBC). Bishnu is recipient of the 2018 BC Construction Leadership Award.
Prior to joining the faculty at BCIT, Bishnu held appointments associated with earthquake risk mitigation of developing countries with several UN agencies and other organizations like World Bank, Save the Children and UNICEF.
PhD in Structural/Earthquake Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2013
MEng in Structural Engineering, University of Tokyo, 2002
BEng in Civil Engineering, Tribhuvan University, 1998
Professional Registrations
P.Eng., British Columbia
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)- member
Canadian Association for Earthquake Engineering (CAEE) – member
Structural Engineers Association of BC (SEABC)- Executive committee member of CSI
Sudip Talukdar, PhD, P.Eng.
Program Head and Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Sudip’s interests and expertise are in the fields of construction materials and structural engineering. His current research interests include developing alternative cementitious materials, investigating different non-destructive test methods for masonry blocks, and looking into the development of testing standards for shotcrete. Alongside his teaching responsibilities at BCIT, he continues to work part-time as a Field Engineer with Metro Testing Laboratories in Burnaby, BC.
More information can be found by viewing his LinkedIn profile and his list of publications.
PhD, Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2013 Thesis Title: “The Effects of Global Climate Change on Carbonation Induced Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete Structures.”
MASc, Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2008
BASc, Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2004
Professional Registration
P.Eng., British Columbia, 2018
Professional Affiliations
American Concrete Institute (ACI): Committee 130, Voting Member
American Concrete Institute (ACI), British Columbia Chapter: Board of Directors
International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE): Task Group 5.3, Voting Member
Qi Zhang, PhD, P.Eng., PE
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Qi is a professional engineer registered in British Columbia and the State of Washington. Prior to joining BCIT, he worked as a structural engineer at the consulting firm WSP in Vancouver for 6.5 years. He has worked as an analyst and designer on many major and complex bridge structures across Canada and internationally. Qi has diverse experience in the consulting industry and research projects with a focus on performance-based seismic design of bridges. He serves as a member of the Seismic Design Technical Subcommittee of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code, as well as a committee member of the American Concrete Institute Committee 341 Earthquake Resistant Concrete Bridges.
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2021
M.A.Sc. in Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2016
B.A.Sc. in Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, 2013
Professional Registrations
P.Eng., British Columbia
P.E., State of Washington
Haesung Ahn, PhD
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Haesung has nine years of professional experience as a Transportation Engineer in South Korea and served as a Graduate Teaching and Learning Fellow at the University of Windsor, where he mentored TAs to enhance their teaching abilities for over a year. His research has focused on cybersecurity risks associated with autonomous vehicles and privacy issues related to smart card data in transportation systems. He was honoured with the Graduate Teaching Assistant (GA/TA) Award for Educational Leadership from the University of Windsor in 2023. He won first prize at the Gordie Howe International Bridge Smart Infrastructure Pitch-off Competition, issued by the Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN) and Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority (WDBA) in 2021.
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Windsor, Canada, 2024
M.A.Sc. in Transportation Engineering, University of Seoul, South Korea, 2014
B.A.Sc. in Transportation Engineering, University of Seoul, South Korea, 2006
Professional Registrations
Applying for P.Eng., British Columbia
Marco Marcantuoni
Technical Staff, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
After the completion of his university studies in mechanical engineering (with a special interest in energy & environment) in Italy, Marco worked as mechanical designer for an HVAC company and gained practical experience in the design of HVAC and mechanical systems. Subsequently he worked in the manufacturing of steel industry as Process Engineer. In Canada, he worked in construction as a carpenter, gaining experience in both concrete forming, cutting and assembly of steel components. After this period, he went back to work in the HVAC industry, as mechanical designer, at Integral Group here in Vancouver for about 2 years. After this experience, he started to work in the aerospace industry at Convergent Manufacturing Technologies (located at UBC campus, here in Vancouver) as laboratory technician, preparing and testing samples manufactured from composite materials.
Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Udine (Italy)
Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical engineering, University of Udine (Italy)
Technical Diploma, Industrial Technical Institute of State J. F. Kennedy (Italy)
Sessional Instructors
Diane Grady, PhD, P.Eng.
Sessional Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Diane has over 30 years’ experience as a contaminant hydrogeologist working as a consultant. Her work includes contaminated site assessments and in-situ remediation systems (chemical, biological and mechanical). In addition, she provides training involving the best field investigation techniques, including writing the soil vapour sampling section of the BC Ministry of Environment field sampling methods. Diane has her own consulting company that provides expertise to other environmental consultants.
In addition to teaching in the Civil Engineering program, Diane also teaches in the Construction Management, Construction Site Supervision, and Environmental Engineering programs.
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering and Science, Oregon Health and Sciences University (formerly the Oregon Graduate Institute)
B.A.Sc. (Honours) University of Waterloo
Dipl. Civil and Structural Engineering, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Mohamed Essa, PhD, P.Eng.
Sessional Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Mohamed Essa is a Sessional Instructor at BCIT and a Senior Road Safety Engineer at the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. With over 15 years of experience in academia, consultancy, and the public sector, he specializes in transportation and municipal engineering. His expertise spans road safety, street design, land development, traffic modeling, and 3D design of water, sewer, and stormwater networks.
Mohamed has extensive experience working with and teaching Civil 3D software for road design and municipal infrastructure. He has contributed to numerous transportation-related projects in Canada and the Middle East, along with land development projects in Alberta and British Columbia.
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2020
M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2015
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Ain Shams University, 2008
Professional Registration
P.Eng., Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia
Road Safety Professional (Level 2-Infrastructure) (RSP2I), Transportation Professional Certification Board
Eugene Yeung, M.Eng, P.Eng.
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
Eugene Yeung is a seasoned civil engineer and project manager with over 20 years of diverse experience in engineering, construction project management in Canada and overseas. His extensive professional background encompasses the management of various infrastructural projects, including the construction and retrofit of wharves, harbours, graving docks, parks, lift stations, electrical substations, and brownfield remediation. Eugene has a proven track record of leading and collaborating with multi-disciplinary project and construction teams throughout his projects.
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Civil Engineering (Project & Construction Management), University of British Columbia, 2022
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) (Honours), Civil & Structural Engineering, University of Hong Kong, 1997
Professional Registration
P.Eng., British Columbia
Special Interests
Eugene is deeply committed to mentoring and professional development within the engineering community. As a volunteer with Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC), he had served as a mentoring committee member, guiding young and new members on their journey to professional registration. His dedication to fostering growth of aspiring professionals extends to his teaching role, where he spent over a year as an instructor of project and construction management courses before joining BCIT.
Ali Jahanfar, PhD, P.Eng.
Instructor, Civil Engineering
School of Construction and the Environment
Work Experience
As a geotechnical engineer, Ali has more than 10 years of experience in geotechnical site investigation, field and lab soil tests, seismic assessment (response spectra, liquefaction/cyclic softening, lateral and vertical deformation), ground improvement, settlement and static/seismic slope stability assessment, design of shallow and deep foundations (axial capacity and lateral foundation responses), various retaining walls and shoring systems, hazard/risk assessment of landslide, as well as settlement and vibration assessment/monitoring of horizontal directional drilling.
Ali’s core competencies include applying advanced geotechnical knowledge and skills to design and deliver challenging and complex projects in various sectors, such as marine and port facilities, oil and gas facilities, transportation infrastructures and bridges, wastewater treatment plants and pump stations, lagoons, pipeline and energy facilities.
PhD, Geo-environmental Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada, 2018
MASc, Geotechnical Engineering, University of Guelph, Canada, 2014
MASc, Geotechnical Engineering, International University, Iran, 2011
BASc, Civil Engineering, University of Science & Technology, Iran, 2008
Professional Registration
P.Eng., British Columbia
Giselle LaCounte
Program Assistant, Civil Engineering Full-time Program
School of Construction and the Environment
Kristi Obradovic
(on leave)
Arrian Macharia
Program Assistant, Civil Engineering Part Time Studies and Distance Education
School of Construction and the Environment
Advisory Committee
- C. Braley, AScT: City of Coquitlam
- R. Fernandes, AScT: PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc.
- S. Fumagalli-Hui, P.Eng.: Hatch
- S. Kennedy, P.Eng.: Fraser River Pile and Dredge
- C. Peddie, P.Eng.: JJM Construction Ltd. P.Eng., JJM Construction Ltd.
- D. Tara, P.Eng.: Thurber Engineering Ltd.
- T. Rabey, AScT, PMP: R.F. Binnie & Associates
- S. Baker, B.Eng.: Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers
- F. Lin, P.Eng.: City of Burnaby
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Contact Us
General inquiries (full-time program)
- Antone Dabeet, P.Eng. – Student Coordinator: 604-451-6854
- Giselle LaCounte – Program Assistant: 604-456-1259
Admissions inquiries (full-time program)
- Contact Admissions Coordinator Colleen Chan, P.Eng. at Civil_Admissions@bcit.ca
Alternate studies (part-time programs)
Inquiries about part-time studies (night-school) or distance ed:
Civil Engineering Technology Part-time Program
Alternate Studies Coordinator: 604-456-1066
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