Login or Register to eJOBS and post your job description to BCIT students and recent graduates. eJOBS provides you with dedicated access to highly skilled and trained BCIT students and alumni from over 200 programs. It’s free to post, and postings are viewable for a 25 day period.
Posting Guidelines:
- Postings must be related to at least one of BCIT’s program areas, targeting current students and recent graduates
- Post your paid positions that are full time, part time, and temporary
- Post internships, summer jobs and apprenticeship positions. See what qualifies as an Apprenticeship
- Non-profit and registered charities can post volunteer opportunities
- Contacts posting on behalf of another organization must clearly indicate the organization that they are representing at the beginning of the job description
To post Co-op opportunities, please see our available Co-op Programs. For any other student work terms, please visit our Co-op Alternatives.
Navigating eJOBS
For inquiries, please email employ@bcit.ca or call 604-432-8666.