- International Fees
International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
Course Overview
This instructor lead, hands-on course focuses on best practices to create professional looking documents and master time saving techniques for the daily use of MS Word. Students learn how to perform fundamental tasks, and create complex documents via lectures, lab exercises and assignments outside of class. Topics include: creating and managing documents; formatting text, paragraphs and document sections, applying styles for document consistency; inserting headers, footers and page numbering, creating and modifying tables and lists; inserting and formatting graphic elements; using object linking and embedding to create compound documents. Advanced topics include: automating a table of contents; building an index; tracking changes; mail merging; developing templates and forms; automating tasks with building blocks and macros. This course is an elective in Applied Computer Applications (ACA), and Technical Writing Associate Certificates. By the end of this course, successful participants will be expert end users of MS Word. COMP 2369 is under review and is not currently being offered.
- 60% in COMP 1002
- Not offered this term
- This course is not offered this term. Please check back next term or subscribe to receive notifications of future course offerings and other opportunities to learn more about this course and related programs.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify the MS Word user interface components.
- Create, save, open, close, and print documents.
- Use the proofing tools.
- Insert and edit text using find/replace; cut, copy and paste; format painter.
- Format text and paragraphs by applying font and paragraph formatting options; applying, modifying and creating styles, creating and modifying numbered or bulleted lists.
- Format documents by modifying page setup, inserting headers, footers, and page numbers.
- Control document layout with column and page breaks, section breaks, and formatting text into multiple columns.
- Insert, modify and format table layouts and design.
- Insert and format graphic elements, shapes, pictures and SmartArt graphics.
- Link and embed external data using object linking and embedding.
- Add references to documents: table of contents, footnotes / endnotes, citations and bibliography, captions, index and create cross-references.
- Use the collaborative features in MS Word: comments, track changes, and compare documents.
- Use a mail merge to create and personalize form letters, envelopes or mailing labels.
- Create templates and electronic forms to automate document creation.
- Use navigation techniques, shortcuts, macros, and building blocks efficiently.
- Customize the MS Word environment.
Effective as of Fall 2020
Related Programs
Microsoft Word (COMP 2369) is offered as a part of the following programs:
- Indicates programs accepting international students.
School of Computing and Academic Studies
- Applied Computer Applications (ACA)
Associate Certificate Part-time
- Technical Writing
Associate Certificate Part-time
Programs and courses are subject to change without notice.